Eastside Arts Alliance, Hard Knock Radio, Samurai Graphix and Youth Speaks Present:
Pecha Kucha Night Oakland
Don't Sweat the Technique: Graffiti for Social Change
Friday, October 9, 2009, 7:30-10:30pm
2277 International Blvd. Oakland, CA 94606
Admission $5
Seating is LIMITED, so show up early!
All ages welcome. Beer and wine bar open to over 21.
10 presenters, 20 slides each, 20 seconds per slide
Confirmed presenters (out of 10 slots):
1. Jim Prigoff, co-author of Spraycan Art, Walls of Heritage Walls of Pride, and Graffiti New York
2. Brett Cook Dizney, nationally renown community artist
3. Marc Bamuthi Joseph & Bethanie Hines, presenting Life Is Living
4. Spie TDK
5. Nancy Hernandez, San Francisco community activist
6. John "Prime" Hina, founder of 808urban.org
7. Steve Grody, author of Graffiti LA
8. Erin Yoshioka, of Trust Your Struggle Collective
9. Estria
About Pecha Kucha Oakland
Awarded "Best Intersection of Arts, Politics and Powerpoint" - East Bay Express annual Best of the East Bay Edition, August 5, 2009
Two years ago, Oakland Graffiti muralist Estria Miyashiro was invited to participate in Pecha Kucha Night Honolulu, but was unable to attend. Since then, he has brought Pecha Kucha Night to Oakland and enlisted the help of EastSide Arts Alliance (ESAA) and Hard Knock Radio (HKR). Estria felt it was a great format for local visual artists to share their work informally with many different people outside of a gallery setting. Estria explains, "Pecha Kucha is a great way to expose your art to many professionals in other fields in one quick-fire burst."
ESAA and the EastSide Cultural Center is the official home of the bi-monthly Pecha Kucha Night Oakland. ESAA is known for presenting cultural events that connect art with politics, and Pecha Kucha Night Oakland is no different. Maisha Quint of ESAA relishes the opportunity to take Pecha Kucha to another level. "We are gonna flip the script on Pecha Kucha by presenting artists that are really saying something about the human condition and the state of the world. We know that Pecha Kucha started as a way for designers and architects to present their work and we respect that and will be honoring the original format. Our focus will be on designers and architects of social change."
Each Pecha Kucha Night Oakland has a theme, and Weyland Southon of Hard Knock Radio is usually responsible for coming up with something appropriate. For this edition, the choice was a no-brainer. We decided to curate an all-graffiti lineup to celebrate revolutionary artwork, in conjunction with the 3rd annual Estria Invitational Graffiti Battle.
Keeping with the tradition of the original Pecha Kucha Nights in Japan, each Artist will present 20 images and speak on each image for 20 seconds. Pecha Kucha Night Oakland is part of a global network of Pecha Kucha Nights that happen in over 500 cities worldwide.
About Eastside Arts Alliance
The EastSide Arts Alliance (ESAA) is an organization of artists, cultural workers, and community organizers of color who live and/or work in the San Antonio district of Oakland. We are committed to working in the San Antonio and other Oakland neighborhoods to support a creative environment that improves the quality of life for our communities and advocates for progressive, systemic social change. Through progressive programming and cultural organizing, EastSide Arts Alliance promotes community sustainability for future generations through self-determination, political and cultural awareness, and leadership development.
About Hard Knock Radio:
Hard Knock Radio (HKR) is a daily drivetime Art and Public Affairs talk show for the Hip Hop Generation. It features hosts Davey D, Weyland Southon, and Anita Johnson along with correspondents who hit the air everyday at 4pm offering News, Views, and Hip Hop. HKR features in-depth interviews and profiles with elected officials, community leaders, activists, artists and musicians. HKR gives voice to community concerns and offers a unique forum to explore issues relevant to the Hip Hop/urban community. HKR sponsors and presents many cultural events throughout the Bay Area. HKR has been voted Best Radio Show by Eastbay Express and the San Francisco Bay Guardian. It can be heard locally weekdays 4pm-5pm PST on KPFA FM 94.1 or online at
About Samurai Graphix
Samurai Graphix is a custom screen print shop in San Leandro, CA run by Estria. Estria began spray painting in Hawai'i in 1984 and has since painted hundreds of murals. As an influential leader of San Francisco's "Golden Age" of graffiti (1980's), he pioneered painting techniques of characters and scenes. He is one of the originators of the stencil tip, used by graffiti writers to create thin airbrush-like lines. Estria co-founded Visual Element, the EastSide Arts Alliance's free mural workshop that develops youth into the voice of the people.
About Life Is Living
A national campaign that uses a new form of green spoken story telling one that represents the diverse and changing perspectives on what it means to be environmentally just. This campaign seeks to inspire people to take the value they see in their LIFE, and establish it powerfully as a new voice to define what it means to be logistically and psychologically included in the new, clean and green economies. Life is worth living, and Living is Green.
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